A scientific study has shown that females retain and carry MALE DNA from every sexual encounter with men, this is according to a new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
The study, which found these facts accidentally, was originally trying to find out if women who were pregnant with a boy might be more susceptible to certain neurological conditions that occur more frequently in men.
But during their research on the female brain, the study began to uncover other fascinating facts.
The study discovered that female brains often contain “male microchimerism”, or to put it simply, MALE DNA that must have come from another person, and are genetically different from the rest of the woman.
The study claims that: “63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerisms were present in multiple brain regions.”
It turns out that 63% of women carry male DNA in their brains. Off course, the researchers wanted to know where the male DNA originated from.
Take a guess. From the women’s fathers? No. A woman’s father’s DNA combines with their mother’s to create a unique DNA. So where else did it come from?
Initially, the researchers thought that all male DNA found living in the female brain came from a male pregnancy. That was the safe, and politically correct conclusion. But these researchers were completely wrong.
When they autopsied the brain tissues of women who were never pregnant, let alone with a male baby, they STILL discovered male DNA cells present in the female brains.
This is when the scientists didn’t know what was actually happening. They tried to put the entire research study on hold until they could better understand it but the answer was already there.
What were they so scared of?
“CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women.”
Basically, according to the scientists, the likely sources of the male DNA inside women’s brains come from:
- An unrecognized abortion
- A male twin that disappeared
- An older brother transferred by the maternal circulation
- Sexual intercourse with a man
If you look at the fact that a huge 63% of women have male DNA cells in the recesses of their brain, which explanation do you think is the one that fits the most?
When you think about it, the first three options can only apply to a small number of women. You can’t possibly apply it for the 63% figure. The fourth option however, well it’s a lot more common
The answer is actually: 4. Sex.
And it comes with VERY SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES for women.
Whenever a woman has unprotected sex with a man, she absorbs the sperm and the sperm becomes a living part of her for life. The research was based on women that were elderly. Many of these women had been carrying the living male DNA inside their brains for over 50 years.
What you need to understand is that sperm is a living organism and there are between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation.
When sperm goes inside a woman, it swims until it crashes into a wall, and then it burrows into the woman’s flesh. If it happens inside a mouth the sperm swims and climbs into nasal passages, inner ear, and behind the eyes. And it stays there. It also enters the brain and spine.
Just like out of some sci-fi horror film, all the sexual partners the woman goes through become a part of her and she can’t get rid of their DNA.
This is one of the reasons when women are promiscuous and have many sexual partners, they are highly unlikely to pair bond and find someone to build a long lasting relationship with for life.
Science is only now starting to understand why having MULTIPLE SEXUAL PARTNERS for women is DETRIMENTAL for them in every way.
Your fiend,
Imagine all those thots that had 100 Chads, they would have enough DNA for a small town.
Now you know why your kid looks nothing like you. Scary thoughts.
lol it burrows into their flesh and stays in the spine? hard to believe but i also think the earth is flat lmao
We have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This is true; originally found with flies. Telegony
Yes, that research was done a while back.
Thanks bud!
Read the Bible, every thing is there. Start in Genesis when Jacob manipulate this information upon the goats, The shepherd of the old times they knew all about, they had to know every female and with which male had being all the time, the shepherd knew this depend the strength and health of his cattle, his survival depend on this knowledge.
And the laws given by God about wedding of the priest. and more, a divorced man could not have his wife back if she had been weeded with other man, she was defiled. God made the law, and all the other laws about adultery, fornication, immorality and all kind of abominations and perversity all reach in the way or other the genes. God don`t like people changing what he made, He made perfect, when people change, they don`t make more perfect or different, they made only a big mess.
In the 70`s they crossed a mare with a zebra, the offspring was a striped animal with a mixed feature of both animals. Years late that same mare was allowed have sex with a horse, the offspring was a horse with stripes.
If you want I show every place in the Bible that this article is correct 100%.
Old testament, this is true but the blood of Jesus covers any defilement!
Here here thank you
You are welcome.
Kind regards,
Hence the massive Autism problem we’re having…….
That could be related but I am suspecting it’s from a barrage of vaccines in the modern day.
Do/can men have female DNA in their brain/blood (not from their mother) but from female sexual partners- unprotected sex? If so this possible this would now most disturbing since this study strongly suggests that females retain DNA from the males that she have sex with? If both males and females retain DNA from their sex partners this is a game changer?? Since men can get STDs from female bodily fluids why not their DNA?? Have there been any studies in this area?
Hi Walter,
I think judging from the research, it’s only women who retain male DNA, not vice versa. I could be wrong though as there is always an exchange of bodily fluids between people during intimacy.
Thank you alex for your posts. It is amaizing! Do you know what the bible says about this? “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
(Genesis 2:24). And on an other verse it says “What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.”
(1 Corinthians 6:16)
Because is the we the women that use all the genetic information that she has inside the body for generate a new life, not the men.
There was never any mention about sperm. Sperm was never said to be able to be deposited, and absorbed into the woman’s DNA. That does not happen! This article is lying! No one I take it read the actual research? I actually read the research articles! They weren’t trying to find out about neurological conditions. They were using that as an exclusionary marker. They were actually trying to look for male microchimerism. They found it only in women who bore male children! They found a higher percentage of it in women with neurological conditions! It was not found in women who did not bear children at all. And not found in women who did not bear male children. There are several research papers out on it. You can find if you look for them. Just look for “Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain” and every research article will say that this was found in the brain of only women who bore male children. Don’t take your news, and information from the headlines! And, don’t take your news from opinion sites that are obviously shoddily run! Actually read the research yourself; don’t take it second-hand from someone giving you their opinion about it. Don’t even believe me. Read the research yourself. And, if you can’t understand it; have someone who’s smarter than you read it to you, and explain it to you.
I am thinking the same thing ! There could be a possibility that it works the other way around no doubt
The study could only ID x chromosomes in females. They were unable to detect y chromosomes that didn’t belong to the women because y chromosomes can’t be differentiated from the OP.. This is also why male XY chromosomes or female YY chromosomes are not able to be differentiated in male brains.
Since these comments get moderated; I’m assuming you probably won’t get this comment. I’m sure the people who run this site don’t want you men to know the truth. But, there was never any mention about sperm in the research. Sperm was never said to be able to be deposited, and absorbed into the woman’s DNA. That does not happen! This article is lying! No one I take it read the actual research? I actually read the research articles! They weren’t trying to find out about neurological conditions. They were using that as an exclusionary marker. They were actually trying to look for male microchimerism. They found it only in women who bore male children! They found a higher percentage of it in women with neurological conditions! It was not found in women who did not bear children at all. And not found in women who did not bear male children. There are several research papers out on it. You can find if you look for them. Just look for “Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain” and every research article will say that this was found in the brain of only women who bore male children. Don’t take your news, and information from the headlines! And, don’t take your news from opinion sites that are obviously shoddily run! Actually read the research yourself; don’t take it second-hand from someone giving you their opinion about it. Don’t even believe me. Read the research yourself. And, if you can’t understand it; have someone who’s smarter than you read it to you, and explain it to you.
Hi Christina,
You are welcome to post your comment and point of view.
Kind regards,
Thank you alex for your posts. It is amaizing! Do you know what the bible says about this? “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
(Genesis 2:24). And on an other verse it says “What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.”
(1 Corinthians 6:16)
Your conclusions are incredibly unsubstantiated – women who have multiple sexual partners can’t pair bond? There’s -0- research and -0-discussion correlating the number of sexual partners influencing a woman’s ability to pair bond. If a woman has fellatio with her husband over and over, she’ll have microchimerism from 60,000 possible genes. There’s 30,000 genes in the human genome, and each sperm cell could carry genes from either his mother or father, and sometimes genes from mother transferred to the father’s chromosome through genetic recombination during meiosis. Different sperm would deliver a different genetic payload from every sperm to different brain cells. This means that 100,000,000 sperm with EACH EJACULATION, each with a different genetic payload could combine with a woman’s somatic cells. That’s an INCREDIBLE amount of variety involved from a single donor. Microchimerism is believed to be associated with certain autoimmune diseases, and has NO scientific evidence that it causes failure to pair bond.
Read the Bible, every thing is there. Start in Genesis when Jacob manipulate this information upon the goats, The shepherd of the old times they knew all about, they had to know every female and with which male had being all the time, the shepherd knew this depend the strength and health of his cattle, his survival depend on this knowledge.
And the laws given by God about wedding of the priest. and more, a divorced man could not have his wife back if she had been weeded with other man, she was defiled. God made the law, and all the other laws about adultery, fornication, immorality and all kind of abominations and perversity all reach in the way or other the genes. God don`t like people changing what he made, He made perfect, when people change, they don`t make more perfect or different, they made only a big mess.
In the 70`s they crossed a mare with a zebra, the offspring was a striped animal with a mixed feature of both animals. Years late that same mare was allowed have sex with a horse, the offspring was a horse with stripes.
If you want I show every place in the Bible that this article is correct 100%.
The jig is over for you female thots. Feminism lied to you, and now you willl be single cat ladies forever. Have fun hitting the wall and not getting picked for marriage.lol, the wall is undefeated!
There are thousand of researches have been done already in regards pair bonding! Search better!
Hi Sam,
That is a great point.
Kind regards,
Now they become one, with many, forever and ever…..😄😄😄
Oye man o man… No wonders hos are crazy. Millions of DNA warring in her skull every seconds of the day.
Oye man o man… No wonders hos are crazy. Millions of DNA warring in her skull every seconds of the day. This is making sense to me now.
The DNA more than likely comes from vaccines. There is male and female DNA in vaccines. The only way to penetrate through the brain is to break through the blood brain barrier. The metals in vaccines (mercury and aluminum) help do just that. Swallowing sperm doesn’t cause sperm to go to your brain. This article is very misleading.
I am simply a messenger and I agree vaccines are terrible.
Kind regards,
There also is the studies of the food you eat altering your DNA. It is possible to generate your DNA. There have been many studies. This World is all about wrecking the DNA of certain groups. The genocides of many cultures. Religious groups. Promoting teen sex. In my culture, we are taught not to breed with outside races. I can see why. Sound frequency. Diet. Release of trauma. Spirituality. Release of ego. Can repair your DNA. We live in a society that’s very Satanic and is about domination. Be careful what you believe in. There is always a way to rejuvenate. 41 years old. An addict of 27 years. I changed my lifestyle. I eat greens. I don’t get sick often. After reading that we are what we eat, that disturbed me and I did research. Why meat turns me off. Carnivore’s are aggressive.
My people were raped by Priests. So that means we carry holy seman. No. Rape is not holy. Remember if your mother slept with many men, DNA is passed to offspring. So we kind of all have DNA of many men. We are all connected. So hello my brothers and sisters. I wanted a big family. ❤️🙏🏽😂
Hi Brenna,
Thanks for your point of view.
Kind regards,
This article is lying! There was never any mention about sperm. Sperm was never said to be able to be deposited, and absorbed into the woman’s DNA. That does not happen! No one I take it read the actual research? I actually read the research articles! They weren’t trying to find out about neurological conditions. They were using that as an exclusionary marker. They were actually trying to look for male microchimerism. They found it only in women who bore male children! If it was found in women who did not bear children at all, or women who did not bear male children; they even said that this was because of an abortion, or a miscarriage. There are several research papers out on it. You can find if you look for them. Just look for “Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain” and every research article will say that this was found in the brain of only women who bore male children. Don’t take your news, and information from the headlines! And, don’t take your news from opinion sites that are obviously shoddily run! Actually read the research yourself; don’t take it second-hand from someone giving you their opinion about it. Don’t even believe me. Read the research yourself. And, if you can’t understand it; have someone who’s smarter than you read it to you, and explain it to you.