The common flu virus, also called influenza is not what you think it is. The medical establishment has distorted the truth about the common cold and flu.
What the biochemistry books will never teach you is that viruses are protein-constructs that dissolve organic and inorganic structures and particles. The mainstream medical books brainwash us to believe that viruses are hostile organisms that indiscriminately destroy all living cells, which causes the disease. However, this is far from the real truth.
Viruses are a unique type of solvents produced by OUR OWN CELLS. The body resorts to using viruses when the inter-cellular tissue structures are very contaminated with non bio-active chemicals. These non bio-active chemicals can be anything from processed junk food to industrial chemicals and waste products. As a consequence, the tissues and cells are so contaminated that our bodies natural janitors such as bacteria, fungus and parasites, are poisoned and killed. This is why our bodies have no choice but to produce the non-living solvents such as the flu virus to dissolve and remove toxin-damaged tissues and cells as well as the actual toxins that brought it on. This medical evidence is supporting that serious diseases are the result of the modern industry.
The U.S government anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson who wrote a book: “Cancer – Disease of Civilization”, wrote that he discovered that cancer did not exist in traditional, primitive tribes eating their own traditional food and water. The truth is that cancer is caused by toxic industrial chemicals and by the consumption of processed junk food and using harmful household chemicals.
This is why it’s important to understand that viruses are really the weapon we have to cleanse and heal ourselves.
If you look around, you will see that cancer, heart disease, obesity and many other auto-immune diseases are out of control. These illnesses have exploded since the industrial revolution and with the rise of the pharmaceutical industry. To put it simply, our great, great grand parents did not suffer from these conditions. They ate eggs, beef, chicken, lamb, seasonal vegetables and fruits and occasional sprouted grains and wild potatoes which were not genetically modified.
Oncologist Don Morris at Calgary’s Tom Baker Cancer Centre said: “It’s common to hear that cancer patients who get sick with a cold or a flu virus get a regression of their disease.” This is very important when you see and understand the whole picture.
It should be common knowledge (to contrary belief) that viruses do not multiply. During medical testing, when added to fertile petri dishes that sustain cellular life, not even one additional viral protein structure appears. Only when cells are added to the petri dish, the multiplication of viral protein structures occurs. That is because the petri dish is an artificial environment for cells.
Apart from that, the solutions used in the actual petri dishes that contain cellular life, are sterilized, which causes inter cellular damage that requires viruses to cleanse and also destroy the cellular life in the artificial petri dishes. In a sterile environment, cells cannot use their regular detoxification processes that are bacterial, fungal and parasitical. Therefore, viral waste products should be expected in petri dishes containing live cells.
Cells produce viruses for self-cleansing in a sterile or industrial toxic environment.
Now that we understand viruses from a whole new perspective, I will cover the medical media hype regarding the bird flu. The fact is that there has never been a killer flu in throughout history. The authorities like to scare us with various killer viruses such as BIRD FLU, SWINE FLU and SARS. Back in the early 2000s, the medical establishment was certain that most of us would die from these viruses and urged everyone to get vaccinated.
You may be asking: “But what about the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 where millions of people died.” Let’s analyse what actually happened.
Considering that during that time we were offered something to “beat” the flu from occurring in the first place. To put it bluntly, it was the first time in history that a flu vaccine was internationally offered by pharmaceutical companies. The fact is that millions of people did not die from flu; they were killed by the flu vaccine. According to researcher R B Pearson who witnessed the Spanish flu “epidemic”, few people died who were treated with natural therapies during that period (the elderly and young children). It’s a fact that seventeen out of twenty people died administering medical help, particularly the vaccine. The vaccine was the cause of the flu epidemic.
What was different during the 1916-18 was that the pharmaceutical industry, led and financed by the elite and super-wealthy, they wanted to do their best to prove that vaccines worked. They saw the pharmaceutical miracles and massive profits that could be made. These people had a massive influence on doctors and hospitals and they claimed to believe that vaccines would prevent and cure many diseases. The Spanish flu vaccine took its course and toll. What happened after the epidemic? Did the pharmaceutical companies and the injecting doctors accept responsibility for millions of deaths from their vaccine, or did they blame the Spanish flu? The medical establishment knew that if their vaccines were to blame, they would be legally liable for millions of deaths. Soon after, the pharmaceutical industry scrambled for damage control. They funded the cover up stories written by medical doctors. They wrote that the first recorded killer flu epidemic had finally come to light and they were there to fight it with their flu vaccines. What’s interesting is that without any scientific evidence, they claimed that their flu vaccine saved millions of people from dying.
In reality, the flu-vaccine failed and killed millions of people but profited the pharmaceutical industry. These people were the drive behind what is now called “the modern medicine”. It’s highly likely that those responsible believed that it was an important trial and the casualties were worth it. They envisioned how vaccines could help the mankind while making them even more super rich.
Canada’s first experiment with flu vaccines failed miserably. Canadian researchers at the University of Ottawa used the free flu vaccine in the beginning of 2000. The medical trial cost Ontario taxpayers more than $200 million. The researchers released information in the journal “Vaccine” that the average monthly occurrence of flu increased in the first five years of the program. “All we do know is rates haven’t decreased, and there has been a lot of money spent,” said Professor Dianne Groll who led the vaccine study. “The program was designed to reduce the incidence of flu, and this hasn’t yet happened.”
The Truth About Viruses
Viruses are extremely effective solvents that can dissolve cellular structures, in many cases preventing cellular death and making cells only temporarily non-functional. If we were to compare this process to when your car is being fixed at the mechanic workshop, you would notice the following. The mechanic diagnoses what is wrong with your car, selects the right process and repair tools (viruses) and removes the damaged part of the car and replaces it. When you look at the viruses with a narrow-minded and short-sighted outlook, viruses seem destructive. However, if you analyse them long-term without the use of drugs and medical intervention, viruses prove to be beneficial to our health. Viruses provide our bodies with the cellular ability to heal and regenerate themselves.
Viruses completely change their DNA and RNA at least every 72 hours. This allows the cell about 72 hours of detoxification with a specific virus or a combination of viruses. Then, the cells will produce a different virus or sets of viruses for different cleansing and healing. The medical establishment and scientific communities label that as viral evolution or mutation. Yet, they know viruses are not living organisms. Any flu vaccine that is produced by the large pharmaceutical companies is specific to a virus that became obsolete six to eighteen months prior to the release of the vaccine. What’s interesting is that the pharmaceutical industry knows this.
This demonstrates that if the establishment know the real facts about vaccines, then the entire vaccine process is a massive money grabbing con. I haven’t had a flu shot since 2005 and I’ve never been ill with a serious flu infection. I’ve had colds, sure, but when everyone was panicking about SARS, swine flu and bird flu and getting vaccinations, I ignored them all and never got sick.
Nothing in science supports the bogus THEORY that viruses jump from animals to humans. How can viruses do that when they are not alive? Those theorists should be hired by Hollywood to write cheap B grade sci-fi scripts for terrible movies.
Does anyone remember the so called SWINE flu epidemic in 1976? For about one year, the mainstream media warned the public of the swine flu outbreak that was jumping from the supposed-dirtiest of animals, pork, and was going to kill us unless we all got vaccinated. President Gerald Ford even received his swine-flu vaccine on national TV to prove how safe it was. The pharmaceutical company directly involved received $7 billion dollars of U.S. citizens’ hard-earned tax dollars that funded the government-sponsored vaccinations. Does anyone remember the death toll? The standard yearly estimate of 30,000-50,000. Does anyone remember why the government-sponsored program disappeared almost 2 weeks after the free vaccines were initiated?
What exposed the entire facade was a national consumer advocate Ida Honorof and Dr. E. McBean, PhD, ND. Ida was syndicated in hundreds of national radio programs. She and Dr. McBean filed a lawsuit against President Ford, the Pharmaceutical companies, the Surgeon General and the US Government for creating and sponsoring the dangerous flu vaccine program. Honorof and McBean predicted that thousands of elderly people and children would die as a result of the vaccine and that the Swine flu epidemic was a fraud. Honorof’s reputation was impeccable so the media covered the story many times, every day for weeks. During the two weeks of giving the “free” vaccine (which was funded by the tax payers), approximately 2,300 people died within days after receiving the vaccine. Because of the large media exposure, the vaccine program was stopped. And guess what? There was no Swine flu epidemic that killed millions of American people.
Flu Viruses – The Finale
Since the flu virus is a natural response to the toxicity within the body, and viruses are created by our own cells to detoxify, we should not try and stop the flu. Stopping the flu virus causes the accumulation of toxicity and internal waste that would lead to severe diseases later on. If instead, we focus on helping our bodies detoxify during the flu with diet and lifestyle changes, we will help expel some of the most dangerous and disease-promoting waste. Anti-viral drugs, antibiotics and vaccines simply do not work against the flu virus. They only promote more DIS-EASE in the body. There is no other rational approach to addressing this health condition.
Industrial toxicity, even in our modern technologically sanitary world, causes 90% of all diseases, and their chronic and fatal extremes. This is because the modern world is full of chemicals, pollutants and harmful by-products that have made their way into our air, water and food. Worse still, our personal hygiene products such as shampoos, house cleaners, makeup, deodorants, perfumes, tooth paste and many other personal items are laced with carcinogenic and harmful chemicals.
When the fish are sick, the first thing to do is to change their water, the fish tank and food.
Your friend,
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More people die at th doctor surgery than from illnesses. Good article.
Thank you. Good health is our greatest asset.
Now we know why they can never cure the flu or colds. Good info Alex. Spread it!
PS don’t do vaccines.
No flu vaccines for me since 2005 and I haven’t had any problems apart from good health.
But what do I know?
Wow, interesting way of looking at it man. Thanks.
Thank you.
thanks for the read, can you provide some reference material?
Hi Lori,
Will do with my next article.
Kind regards,
Keep publishing Alex and spread the word as far as possible…I try to when I meet people and know that they must be thinking…thinking…it’s the only way to change the very bad advice that is taking root in our world.
Thanks Jen, I need to update with a new article.
Kind regards,
Long ago I was convinced by reading lots of reports that your theory is correct.
The only thing that still confuses me is…..during the Spanish flu…..before they could convince people to take a shot, these people must have had symptoms. How can millions of people all have symptoms (poisoning) at the same time???? What caused the poisoning for the body to have to call up the viruses???
Hi Amy,
Media propaganda works wonders, they brainwashed people back then like they do today.
Kind regards,
This isn’t your work. You took all of this from Aajonus Vonderplanitz’s Primal Diet Newsletter #2.
You could at least have credited him as the source of the material.
Hi Fred,
I should mention him, but I found this information from an alternative health source.
Kind regards,
It’s already 2020 and the world at large suffers another Virus scam.
After trawling around the internet for more written testimony that vindicates the poor maligned virus, I found your blog to add to my collection.
Thank you so much !
Hi Joe,
You are welcome.
Kind regards,
are you a doctor
I like to question everything from mainstream media.
Kind regards,