Can you really rapidly heal your body with comfrey plant?
In short, the answer is, YES!
This awesome healing plant is native to Europe but it’s commonly now found throughout North America. When the early colonists arrived from Europe, brought the comfrey plant with them.
Comfrey is often called “Knitbone” because of its truly unique ability to heal and fuse broken bones or “knit” them back together again, quickly and painlessly. What’s interesting is the official botanical name for comfrey, Symphytum, virtually means “to unite.” People in the past obviously knew the healing powers of comfrey and how rapidly it can heal your body.
This amazing healing process in this plant to heal broken bones and other flesh wounds comes from a special, natural chemical called allantoin. It’s especially rich in the roots and also the leaves of comfrey. Allantoin stimulates cell growth which helps to regenerate damaged bone tissue and wounds and rapidly speed up new healthy cell growth in the body of people and animals.
Comfrey is my “go to plant” when I injure myself, it’s so good that it literally makes a huge difference overnight. I have used it on my bruised feet, torn shoulder (AC joint separation stage 3) and really deep cuts on my skin.
The best way to apply comfrey root powder is as a poultice, usually over night when your body is resting and regenerating itself. My injuries become barely noticeable the next day. Obviously when I tore my AC joint in my right shoulder, the healing process took a lot longer, but instead of waiting for 3-4 months for my torn shoulder joint to get better, with comfrey, it only took 5-6 weeks before I could start exercising my shoulder and even doing pull ups and push ups!
Here is what my initial injury looked like back in April 2017:
I could not believe how effective comfrey was for healing my injured shoulder.
Comfrey is also great to heal pulled muscles, swellings and fractures. It is brilliant for twisted ankles. A poultice directly applied with DMSO (solvent) of comfrey will quickly heal any pain or discomfort.
If you are going to use comfrey for deep cuts and lacerations, make sure that the wound is completely clean first with hydrogen peroxide and Lugol’s iodine. This is because comfrey can heal the top layer of the skin very quickly and if there is dirt or an infection deep inside the skin, then it can seal those inside the skin as well. Simply wash and clean all wounds before applying comfrey poultice topically.
If comfrey root is so great, why doesn’t the modern medicine use it? GREAT QUESTION!
Much controversy surrounds the actual safety of taking comfrey internally as food, mind you comfrey was consumed internally for centuries in Greek medicine and by European doctors for respiratory and digestive problems. The modern medicine fraudulently alleges that comfrey is “toxic when taken internally” because it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that “can be harmful to the liver in large doses”.
However if you do your thorough research, you will discover that this is a complete smear campaign against this healing plant. Whenever the pharmaceutical industry can’t patent something or turn into a profitable drug, they create fear-mongering fake research studies and articles trying to demonize nature. They have done this with COCA TEA and now comfrey.
Medical trials carried out in 1983 by Dr. S. J. L. Mount of the Henry Doubleday Association in the United Kingdom, established that comfrey root helps to ease pain. Dr Mount conducted testing of 90 patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis who consumed 4 cups of comfrey tea or to be precise 9 tablets every day. All 90 patients experienced no adverse side effects or symptoms of liver toxicity or other liver problems, but 23-35% of patients said they felt relief from pain and vastly improved mobility. Henry Doubleday became fascinated in comfrey’s ability to heal and its benefits in the 1800s. His interest quickly grew after he observed a large number of successful applications of comfrey as stock food and effective medicine.
In another case, forty long-term comfrey consumers were screen for liver function tests in another Henry Doubleday Association medical trial, all 40 patients were found perfectly healthy with no liver problems, according to Dr. Clare Anderson, from the Laboratory of Pharmakinetics and Toxicology, School of Medicine, University College, London.
It has been discovered that over 3% of the world’s plants contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Therefore, honey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, so do various grains, milk, offal and eggs. Yet we never witness any liver damage from these foods in humans.
I have personally drank 3-4 cups of comfrey root tea per day when I was healing my shoulder and I never had any problems with my liver, in fact I am convinced it made my recovery even quicker. I was able to get back to physical training within 5-6 weeks when all doctors told me I would need to wait at least 3-4 months for my shoulder to get better and then do another 3-4 months of physical therapy. I healed it under two months and was back to my normal self.
The doctors clearly are not taught about the magic healing of comfrey, it simply does not make them any money.
- Take 3-4 tablespoons of comfrey root powder (root powder works much better than comfrey leaves as there are more alkaloids inside the root)
- Put comfrey root powder into a small bowl. Add just enough water to turn it into a thick, wet paste, not too runny and not too dry.
- I like to also add one teaspoon of DMSO. DMSO is a natural solvent that comes from the wood industry. DMSO will allow comfrey to deeply penetrate the skin, joints and other soft tissues. It acts as a carrier. Mix DMSO into the wet comfrey paste and spread it evenly.
- Put comfrey paste onto a cotton handkerchief, then place the handkerchief onto the injured part of your body where comfrey is directly touching your skin. Wrap a bandage around the handkerchief to keep it in place and so it applies small pressure onto the skin. Leave it on for the next 1-2 hours at least.
You can do this three times a day.
For serious injuries such as fractures, pulled muscles and deep tissue damage, you can do a comfrey compress in the morning at 9 am, then another fresh compress around 1 pm, another comfrey poultice at 6 pm and then finally one last compress just before bed time at 10 pm which you can leave on over night. Comfrey works more effectively at healing the body when you are asleep. This is why it’s always best to do a compress just before bed time.
Make sure to secure it properly otherwise it may come off during the night.
You can easily and cheaply buy comfrey on the internet, check your local on line stores or eBay. Use powder topically and you can make comfrey tea out of dried comfrey root. You can also buy comfrey plants, seeds or seedlings and grow them at home. This way you can have access to fresh leaves which are also useful for injuries.
Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING will heal your injuries quicker than comfrey.
To your health and success,
Thanks for the heads up on comfrey and coca tea Alex.
No problem. I will do more articles and videos on health.
Good article mate. Thanks
Thank you. Buy it on line, very cheap.
thank you.
great post
Thank you
Hi Alex,
Thank you for posting this, Alex. It’s really an eye-opening. What do you think about Ruta graveolens, is it really poisonous or same case as comfrey? Thanks
Hi Adi,
I have no idea about Ruta graveolens, not something i have ever used.
Hi Alex, thanks for your answer. One more question, was there any effect on you after drink comfrey tea? I feel I always feel sleepy after drink it, maybe it’s a signal from the body to rest and heal.
Hi Adi,
No effect at all, maybe better sleep. Probably because my body was repairing itself. How is your overall feeling after drinking comfrey tea? I had no issues.
Hi Alex,
I have drinking 2 – 3 cups of comfrey tea to heal my torn muscles. Before I decided to drink it, I did some internet research about comfrey, found about the ban of it and thought that it is all about the money, but I hadn’t found many writings about it until I found your page and give it a go. I feel I sleep better and longer, also feel hungrier than usual, maybe that’s a sign of better metabolism.
Hi Alex,
Can you tell me how much dried comfrey root you put to make a cup of comfrey tea? And do you boil it or you pour hot water to the comfrey in the cup? I heard boiling comfrey destroy the allantoin.
Thanks for posting this information. I am trying to heal a torn rotator cuff. I had some stem cell injections but I am thinking some comfrey might be a good adjunct therapeutic agent.
I have a comfrey plant. I twisted my knee and ankle snowboarding a month ago. I don’t have bruising but still have swelling and pain. How do I make a poultice or compress with the root and the leaves?
Hi Teresa,
Any basic poultice method will do, just add a teaspoon of DMSO to comfrey powder once moistened.
Kind regards,