Everyone wants to be productive, or to be even MORE PRODUCTIVE.
Productivity is what gets shit done!
But in today’s modern world where we are crammed with daily distractions and data overload, how do you focus your mind and GET THINGS DONE?
More importantly, how do you get things done in a TIMELY and EFFICIENT manner?
1) Clean & Organize Your Working Space
A MESSY and DIRTY working environment will SABOTAGE your productivity every single time.
When you are in a messy office, you will NEVER get anything done!!
All those things lying around create a scene and you give up even before you start working.
Have you ever tried cooking a meal in a filthy kitchen with dirty dishes all around? It’s a self-defeating experience because you will not feel motivated and you will end up getting take away junk.
This processed take away meal will not only rob you of money but it’ll also make you gain fat.
2) Stop Watching TV
Television is a great tool for time wasting and brainwashing. It’s a time sucker and a perfect fake news generator.
Instead of working for yourself and creating your lifestyle, you are busy watching TV, eating junk food and getting brainwashed by the mainstream media.
The only time you’ll ever see me anywhere near a TV (I stopped watching it in 2010) is when I am visiting family and friends there is some interesting documentary being shown (David Attenborough).
3) Sleep Well
For most people, getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night is vital. The only way to feel really energized for the next day is to get a good sleep the night before.
It’s a good habit to go to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time, every day of the week.
“Early bird gets the worm”. You better believe it. Most birds are up at 5 am getting ready for the big day ahead.
You snooze, you lose.
I was always struggling to wake up early.
My usual wake up times in my early to late 20s was 12 pm. When you wake up at noon, your entire day is already wasted.
What made things worse is that by the time I was ready to head out, it was approaching 3 or 4 pm and many places were already closing.
Most people, who are successful, rise early and go to bed early.
If you need to force yourself to bed every night, try the following:
A natural amino acid L-Theanine puts your mind to rest, it comes from green tea and it’s the opposite of caffeine.
L-Theanine relaxes your mind so you can fall asleep easier.
Another supplement that works well for me is melatonin cream. This cream is trans-dermal so the effects are felt much quicker (10-15 minutes after application).
If you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 7 am, that’s 8-9 hours of sleep.
You’ll feel better, look better and work better.
4) Make Friends With The Right People
I think one of the best ways to push you to achieve goals in work life is to find similar minded people who share your enthusiasm and passion for whatever that you are doing.
You can then motivate one another to get busy creating while sharing the ups and downs that you both experience. I think this is also how you find true long term friends who have been there with you from when you first started.
5) Join a Work Group
For many of those who like to travel to such places such as Chiang Mai, Thailand, you will come across a large number of expats and digital nomads.
Many of these people started out with nothing by moving to Thailand to cut their cost of living and to get started on their online business.
Doing this on your own can be tough work, however there are many work groups where like-minded people meet up on a weekly or a monthly basis to share ideas and their experiences.
Make sure you find a good one and not where a bunch of guys hang out at cheap bars drinking beer and talking rubbish all day.
You simply will waste your time with such people.
6) Don’t Watch Online Porn
Not only does it kill your motivation to do anything, it also zaps your time and creativity. Porn is a no go if you want to achieve success in your life.
7) Read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity By David Allen
Reading books like this will only help you get more organised and boost your productivity. How do you get good at something? Learn from people who HAVE achieved it.
You can purchase the book here with free shipping worldwide: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity By David Allen
8) Don’t Eat in the Morning and Afternoon
Fasting really means not eating food. When you are not busy digesting food, your mind is sharper.
This is because the blood is not leaving your body to flow into the stomach to speed up digestion. Ever noticed how after a big lunch, all you want to do is have a nice long nap?
My advice here is this: Do not eat anything for lunch or get yourself some coca tea flour. You can drink it or chew the flour with sodium bicarbonate for a bigger energy boost.
COCA TEA works different to coffee. Unlike with coffee, there is no crash when you chew coca flour. A 5 gram chew lasts for about 50-60 minutes. You can keep chewing for a few hours or more depending on your energy needs.
This is my favourite way of getting busy working and being more productive during the day. And you can have a bigger dinner once you are home from work, you will sleep better too.
You can order ORGANIC COCA TEA flour by visiting our ONLINE COCA TEA STORE.
9) Use Smart Drugs aka Nootropics
A number of years ago there is a movie called Limitless.
It’s about a man who gets access to a drug in a pill form that lets him use his brain to it’s full potential. Instead of using 10% he starts using 100% (this is a myth as we all use 100% of our brains already).
When he takes the drug, he is literally unstoppable, he is super smart, he can attract any woman, he makes lots of money very quickly and he can write highly acclaimed books in a few hours.
In reality, no such drug exists, however, there are real life smart drugs (nootropics) that act as memory boosters, cognitive enhancers, and have intelligence boosting properties.
These drugs help you focus on whatever work you are performing, drastically improving concentration and boosting energy levels.
These substances can even make the most boring of chores actually fun.
Modafinil is one of the more well-known nootropics, but there are others such as:
Coca leaf
These smart drugs all have different uses and produce unique results.
If you are sceptical, then you are probably sceptical about whether steroids can help build bigger muscles or make the user stronger and faster.
If you are new to nootropics and smart drugs, then I highly suggest you try COCA TEA and Modafinil.
12) To-Do Lists
This is very straight forward but keeps you organised. If you have 4 or 5 things that need to get done today, write them all down, just like your shopping list.
If you forget one or two, you can look at the list and get them done. You’ll be surprised how many people have smartphones but don’t have a single to-do list.
13) Outsource Chores
If you feel you don’t have enough time or energy to do chores or tasks that someone else can do for you, there is a simple solution.
Pay someone to do it.
If you don’t have time to clean your place once week because you are busy making lots of money, pay someone $50-80 a week to come and clean your apartment or do your dishes.
If you are no good at web design, get some help online, there are many online places that will either teach you how or do the job for you for a fee.
This should get you started being more productive.
Your friend,
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I want some coca tea. I want to focus better at work and lose a bunch of fat.
Check out our online organic coca tea store: https://www.mgtow101.com/coca
Hey Alex, is it better to make coca tea or actually chew it? In Peru most locals chew it with iipta or bi carb.
I only chew these days. I find coca tea chewing provides a better energy boost with sodium bicarbonate.
Iipta is too messy for me, I am also waiting for sweet alkaline leaves to be delivered shortly which you can use instead of salty bi carb soda.
I got coca and I like the way it stimulates my brain, I can work for hours chewing coca.
Glad you are enjoying coca tea.