What most people don’t realize is that television is a blue pill box of DEEP MIND CONTROL and SOCIAL CONDITIONING.
Since I stopped watching TV back in 2010, I have worked out that there is a direct correlation between how much a person is a “TV watching couch potato” and how boring, mundane and out of touch with reality they are.
To put it bluntly, the more a person watches television, the more they are on the left side of the spectrum and the more easily manipulated and brainwashed they are. These are the same people who protest while wearing pink pussy hats, against “climate change” and all in favour of the PC culture.
If you do your own research into history, the man who invented the television, Philo Farnsworth in 1938, even he did not allow his family to watch TV.
“There’s nothing on it worthwhile, and we’re not going to watch it in this household, and I don’t want it in your intellectual diet,” said Philo Farnsworth.
Farnsworth knew how his invention was able to control the mind of the people.
Your Brain on Television
Have you noticed how hard it is to get someone’s full attention while there is TV on at the same time, in the same room? People will literally listen to you with “one ear” while constantly looking back at the screen with their mind focused on what the television is showing.
It’s like they are totally CONSUMED by the TV, MESMERIZED, and completely hypnotized.
And this is RIGHTLY so.
When a person watches TV, it stimulates low alpha waves in the brain putting their mind in a PASSIVE, COMPLIANT and SUGGESTIVE PHASE.
What you should understand is that low alpha waves produced by the TV aren’t the same type as the relaxed alpha waves which a person experiences during meditation or going for a walk in nature. Low alpha waves are the direct opposite of the beta waves. Beta waves are produced during critical thinking and heavy mental activities in the brain.
Your brain SWITCHES OFF ITS LOGICAL SIDE while watching TV. Advertising companies and marketing gurus KNOW and EXPLOIT this and this is why you have beautiful women being featured across the television trying to sell you junk food, alcohol, expensive cars and other useless junk.
Who Runs The Media?
What you need to understand is that OVER 90% OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA is run by 6 huge corporations. They are: News-Corp, CBS, Time Warner, Disney, GE and Viacom.
News-Corp runs Fox, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post. Disney runs ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, and Marvel Studios. Viacom controls MTV, Nick Jr., BET, CMT and Paramount Pictures. Time Warner owns CNN, HBO, and Time. CBS runs Showtime and NFL.com. GE owns Comcast, NBC, and Universal Pictures.
As you can see, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA MONOPOLY is alive and well. Almost everything you watch on TV is strategically programmed PROPAGANDA. From kids’ cartoons, to cooking shows, to reality TV programs and the nightly news… THEY carefully select and choose what THEY want you to watch. You simply have no choice, unless you choose not to watch television or read the newspapers.
There is a reason why they call it the “tell LIE vision”.
Phil Farnsworth has explained that TV does not show us the real world. Television shows us the DISTORTION of the real world. Your hunger (or lack of) for knowledge and entertainment is the actual proof of where your interests are displayed. You may enjoy watching movies, reading books, browsing websites, and playing computer games.
Watching TV puts you into a position of a LIFELESS and UNMOTIVATED COUCH POTATO who has lack of interest in the real world.
In my younger years, whenever I was watching garbage on TV such as drama or comedy TV series or some latest pop band on MTV, my dad would always call me out and yell “Stop watching this rubbish… use your brain and go read a book”.
At the time I felt angry, but eventually I learned why.
In the modern day, trash TV and trash media has become the news on TV and newspapers that people read on their way to and from work. The reality is, most people believe what they see on television, they don’t go out of their way to actually research what’s fed down their throat by the mainstream media.
This is why it’s important to BE CAREFUL where you get your news and information from.
A lot of older people especially, get their news from the most popular news channels on TV or from their favourite mainstream media newspaper. They would never dare to go online and research the story or some other controversial topic from an alternative point of view. Many just don’t know how and some that do, will choose to believe popular and well known news over independent news sources.
Quitting the Idiot Box
After my “R.E.D pill awakening” back in late 2009, I quit watching TV and sold my idiot box for $50 just to get rid of it.
I realized that not only was television BRAINWASHING me, but it was also a HUGE TIME SUCKER.
I got tired of watching those commercials where men were always depicted as brainless idiots and women could do nothing wrong.
I got tired of watching commercials that were trying to sell me crap I did not FUCKING NEED.
I got tired of watching dumb ass comedy shows and reality TV that WAS NOT TEACHING ME ANYTHING USEFUL about life.
I got tired of seeing depressing news filled with doom and gloom and endless, mindless wars.
When you see the bigger picture and realize that you get NOTHING out of watching TV, except wasted time and misinformation, it becomes much easier to kick this nasty habit and get rid of the idiot box. The less you watch now, the easier it gets to stop watching completely.
Quit hanging out with other losers that watch TV. All they know is the latest celebrity gossip and sports results.
As they indulge watching the idiot box, their forever expanding butt cheeks will soon melt into the couch as they’re stuffing their pie holes with GMO corn chips and Diet Coke.
Most politically correct and leftists watch television, EVERYDAY.
MTV, Netflix, sports shows, Hollywood flicks and shitty sit coms… all great for promoting brain dead society, obesity, gay and lesbian lifestyle, and other degenerate ideologies that most people gobble up.
Your friend,
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Idiot box… lol I like that. Awesome content bro.
Cheers my man.
They sure do control everything!! Thanks for exposing the globalist termites Alex.
Thank you,
youtube can be very similar if you aren’t keeping it in check and watching crap for hours. I know its gotten the better of me many times before.
I realized early in life how low television is on the spectrum though, long ass commercials and no educational content at all. I resorted to playing video games instead, at least there’s some mental stimulation there lol
keep up these cool posts
Well said. YouTube is becoming like television. This is their goal and why they have flooded the front page of YouTube with CNN, MSNBC, Jimmy Kimmel and other mainstream trash. An absolute waste of time and complete brainwashing.
Don’t watch TV anymore too buddy. Fuck that shit box.
Great you have covered this Alex! The reason why, I know its all true by being brought up on a huge farm with no TV.
I used to go to my school mate neighbors house up the road to watch the odd kids show, but the conditioning programming of wasting time watching the idiot box never set in to me. I was too busy being productive on the farm.
Fast forward to age 24, got married to a time wasting thot who always had the idiot box on! When home from work, I was still busy working round the home, while she unproductively watched it. I got dragged in to “Spend time with her” in front of it & always regretted the wasted time afterwards! She then got even more engrossed in that culture by downloading TV Torrents series & shows that staggered me, as she rattled off a list of nearly 20 I recon, one day to a mate! I was discusted with the obvious time wasting! I should have known better, as even just yesterday, a relative of my ex confirmed her mother is still a total couch (fat) potato who’s glued to it dawn till dusk & well into the night! The main point to make, is the ex & her mother, are far left feminist thinkers, who’re brainwashed by their programming by that box! That feminism, destroyedmy marriage!
Seperated in 2014 & now divorced from a waste of time woman, I’ve gone back to NO TV in my life for 4 years now & can get so much productive stuff done! My kids have come to live with me as don’t want the ex’s screwed up lifestyle & they don’t want the idiot box on either, but the battle is getting them off the games & useless youtube bullshit that their mother introduced as her babysitter!
The battle is to get them to read an informative book or other publication such as the “Uncensored” magazine from my home land NZ, or search out the beneficial broadcasts & I’m having slow steady success. Thanks again Alex!
Hey Richard,
It’s astounding how so many people always have TV on in the background to fill in the void. I can’t think clearly when something is playing in the background unless it’s soft music.
Good to see you saw the truth early on and broke the addiction. I used to enjoy David Attenborough nature documentaries but now he also became a tool of the NWO by forcing climate change propaganda onto the masses.
Stay awake!
I had been addicted to Netflix, Hulu and YouTube for years. I’m pretty sure it lowered my IQ.
Yeah it’s an addiction, like TV in earlier years. Try and filter it.
No wonder they call a screen an idiot box. Susan Wajewski (CEO of YouTube) basically wants to turn YouTube into mainstream television. I mean, take a look at their trending page… nothing but mainstream media, news and Jimmy Kimmel.