The way I look at it, FREEDOM is the most important thing for a free man.
Now, more than ever, piece by piece, we are losing our freedom.
Most men (if I can call them that) are not even worried and don’t care, as long as they have access to pornography, video games, and fast food then nothing else really matters to these guys.
In order to BECOME A FREE MAN, you must conquer the following:
Don’t Get A Job (Just Over Broke)
The way I look at it, a completely free man has the capacity to make HIS OWN LIVING.
It is worrying and problematic to rely on a job working for some overbearing boss or a corporate company.
You can easily lose your job at ANY MOMENT and ANY TIME.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked there for 5 days or 15 years. You can be fired from your job for poor performance, great performance (jealous colleagues), being late, taking longer lunch breaks, looking at your phone more than usual or for sexual misconduct which is a common place thanks to #metoo.
If you’ve worked at the company for a long while, sometimes you are offered a generous severance package which gives you some time to find a new job.
In most cases however, this is quite rare and this STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE can have a serious impact on a man who lives from pay cheque to pay cheque.
Imagine if you are knees deep in mortgage and car payments EVERY MONTH?
Some people have a casual job on the side for some extra money and savings and I think that’s perfectly fine. However, if you RELY on your daily job that you work Monday to Friday and that is all you have going for you, then that is a worry.
You can be sacked tomorrow and be thrown in HOT WATER. I’ve been in that situation a number of times as a young guy, let me tell you straight up, IT SUCKED. You need to be prepared for the worst case scenario, so when the time comes, you are prepared and it’s “no sweat, I’ve got this.”
To be a free man, you need to diversify your income streams!
If one falls through, you have 5 others to keep you going.
Being self-employed and working for yourself where YOU ARE THE BOSS is the most liberating feeling a man can have. Be it entrepreneurship, real estate, selling cars, online marketing, personal coaching, investing in crypto, consulting online, or selling on eBay – you have a lot of potential to diversify your income and make some decent money, OFTEN PASSIVELY.
As a white, straight man, working in the IT industry as a university graduate I have dealt with a lot of discrimination in a form of equal opportunity, affirmative action and offshore outsourcing. I’ve had women with less training and experience be given jobs over me because of their gender. I’ve seen entire IT departments close down and be outsourced to a third world country like India because of small overhead costs and salaries that must be paid to Indian workers.
All this was a POSITIVE EXPERIENCE for me, I didn’t see it that way at the time but now I have a much clearer picture.
To be a genuine free man, YOU MUST PROVIDE FOR YOURSELF.
You can’t rely on the government, welfare or handouts.
Being a victim is the DEATH OF A FREE MAN and the western countries promote this ideology to their citizens.
Avoid Debt
Today in the modern world of corporations, financial debt means slavery. To be GENUINELY free to do what you like, when you like, you must be free from the burdens of debt.
The only time a debt is positive is when SOMEONE OWES YOU, and you are collecting the revenue with interest on top, not the other way around.
Be the DEBT MASTER, never the debt slave.
A simple example is a Loan Shark Lender.
These guys will loan big amounts of money with the intention of getting high interest in a short amount of time. These loan sharks ultimately charge interest rates that are above any regulated rate on the market.
For instance, a loan shark will lend $20,000 to a willing client with the conditions that they will get back $40,000 within 45 days.
In most countries this is highly illegal but when someone is in dire need of urgent cash without credit checks or any formalities, loan sharks provide a service that most lenders and banks will not fulfill. Obviously if the loan shark is not repaid the agreed amount within the agreed time, that’s when things can get ugly and often scary for the customer.
I DO NOT recommend anyone use a loan shark lender unless they are 100% certain they can pay the money back plus the agreed high interest within the specified time.
Eliminate Tax
Most Western countries have a tax system that’s designed to make it hard for a small business to thrive.
There are legal methods to go AROUND the tax issue.
You can move your assets and tax-base to an offshore tax haven where you can MINIMIZE YOUR TAX INCOME.
You can also create a system that allows you to “write off” your income tax and profits that, if audited by the government, will pass with flying colours.
Let’s be real here, the entire tax system is there to MAKE THE RICH RICHER and to pay welfare for those who simply don’t want to work for their share.
It is your right to keep as much income that you made without giving it away for free to the ever expanding governments and their leeches.
If you want to be a free man, you simply have to PAY AS LITTLE TO NO TAX AS POSSIBLE.
And if you think that’s unfair, spare a thought for the super rich:
Australian Qantas CEO Alan Joyce, one of the biggest supporters of the Australian government’s proposed big business tax cuts, rules over a company that hasn’t paid corporate tax for close to 10 years.
Despite generating a pre-tax profit in 2017 of more than $1 billion, Qantas has paid no corporate tax since 2009, thanks to Australia’s generous depreciation provisions and the ability to offset massive historical losses made by the company against past and future profits.
Analysis by the ABC reveals Qantas is not alone, and about 380, or one in five, of Australia’s largest companies have paid no tax for at least the past three years.
So who pays the tax then?
It’s the little people, aka people with jobs and small business owners who don’t know the tax law, or to be precise, don’t know how to make the tax laws work in the favour.
To be a free man, you must keep as much of your income and assets as possible.
The tax laws are designed so that you as a worker bee, and as a small business owner, keep the LEAST AMOUNT of income after taxes.
Child Support & Alimony Dangers
If you live in United States, Canada, Australia, Western Europe or United Kingdom then you must familiarise yourself with child support.
Child support can often result in 18 years of regular monthly pay cheques aka on-going debt. Child support is paid to the mother of the children even when a man has little to NO VISITATION RIGHTS to see his kids.
To make matters worse, at the same time, the mother of the kids can be actively involved with other men romantically while her ex-boyfriend or ex-husband is paying the child support bills.
On many occasions the children are not even biologically his.
Never get married with a woman unless you know this marriage will last.
What I mean by this is finding a TRADITIONAL WOMAN with traditional values who knows what marriage is.
She must know how to treat her husband well and how to raise good children.
In all honesty, it is almost impossible to find a wife material in United States or Australia and pretty much in any other western country. The modern woman has been weaponized against men. For most part, she looks down upon men, despises them and has been indoctrinated to believe that everything that’s wrong with this world is directly linked to men and masculinity. She doesn’t see everything around her that men built: buildings, roads, museums, cars, restaurants and even her favourite cafes and bars.
So to reiterate again, to be a free man, you can’t afford to pay child support or alimony, or worse still, both.
If you fail to pay the child support or alimony, you will go to jail.
In some parts of United States, if you are married for longer than 10 years, you will be paying alimony to your ex-wife for life.
Have Freedom to Travel
If you are able to travel around the world, then you will notice just how different the rest of the world is to the west.
If you can get a residency and a second passport in another country, then I would definitely recommend that. Sometimes you can get a citizenship in your home country simply because you were born there, other times you may purchase it outright or by investing or buying property, there are MANY CHOICES AVAILABLE. Having the freedom to live in another country as a citizen can offer you many options, especially if those countries are located in Eastern Europe, South America or South East Asia.
Do your own research into this topic.
If you can follow the 5 guidelines mentioned above, then you will be truly on your way to become a free man. The feeling of being a free man is indescribable.
Today you are here, tomorrow you are somewhere else.
Stay out of debt slavery, avoid women who can put you into perpetual debt, scale down your income tax, be your own boss and work for yourself, and get a second citizenship just in case you want to escape the craziness of the western world.
Your friend,
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Love this article mate. Opened up my eyes to what I must do as man wanting to be free. Thanks.
Good on ya Alex. Tell it like it is bud. I’m saving to go Thailand this year. Hoping to start spending more and more time there instead of US.
Thanks. I really enjoy Thailand and SEA.
What is the best place for a man in his 30s who is from Australia? I am over Sydney. Europe seems like a bad deal too.
Check out Thailand and Vietnam.
Powerful stuff. I never got married to my gf, and glad I didn’t. She would have kept me down.
Freeman is the only way to live! 😉
You got it bud.