The initial time after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend can be a hard time filled with UNCERTAINTY, FEAR, REGRET and AGONY.
You will learn how to deal and move on as quickly as possible. I will specifically talk about a break up between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I will not discuss divorces or children involved in divorces.
For everyone’s understanding, we will presume that the girl broke it off with the guy. It usually is the case in most break ups, MOST BREAKUPS ARE STARTED BY WOMEN (over 80% in United States) and let’s face it, guys would not be searching for this information on how to get over their ex-girlfriend if they were not hurt to start with.
Complete Guide To Get Over Your Ex-Girlfriend
1) Realize that you are still in love with her only because she has left you and is no longer your woman.
This is essentially your mind playing tricks on you, pretty similar to a drug addict who can’t get his next fix. If she suddenly became extremely needy and desperate she would stop being so attractive. The irony is when you chase your ex after the break-up, you’re the one who becomes that desperate, needy guy.
Men are in love with women they cannot have and women lust for men they cannot have. If you knew that your ex-girlfriend was forever devoted to you, you would never feel such strong emotions of love and pain as you do during the break up with your ex-girlfriend.
2) You must remember that there are over 3 billion women in the world. Their median age is 29 years old.
There are millions of women worldwide who can be your girlfriend right now. There is no such thing as a soul mate. There are millions of women just like her and better than her.
There are prettier women, there are sexier women, there are smarter women, there are younger women – anything you can think of there are so many millions out there.
To be obsessed with one in a sea of millions is plain stupid. You tricked your mind into believing about all her amazing qualities and that is all you now remember.
You COMPLETELY FORGOT about all your ex-girlfriend’s bad points and short comings.
What you need to understand is women will change to please you in any way you want.
Women are known to shed their skin and are essentially chameleons in love and your hobbies and interests will become her hobbies and interests.
There is a better woman out there for you, trust me on this! It may not feel like it now or even 4-5 months down the track if you are really crazy about her but you WILL get over your ex-girlfriend, there is simply no other choice.
3) She is definitely not the love of your life, not your soul mate or your true love.
She’s just a girl you dated for some time. Soul mates and true love come from the romance novels that women are drawn to, you know that women love fairy tales and fiction, these things appeal to the gullible masses, don’t be one of them.
You met her, you dated, you slept with her, you broke up, happens all the time.
If your ex-girlfriend was your soul mate or your true love you would still be with her and everything would be the same.
If soul mates WERE true, you would never have split with her, but a soul mate is like Harry Potter, a fiction.
If what you had was true love, then you would still be dating her. What you had wasn’t true love, it’s true infatuation and she played you like a puppet.
Seriously if she was all that great for you, you both would be making plans for baby rabies right now and tying the knot.
4) Simply understand that when another prettier girl comes your way YOU WILL FORGET ALL ABOUT YOUR EX-GIRLFRIEND.
Even though dating right after a bad break up is not recommended as you will be rebounding from one girl to the next, eventually you will come to like someone and move on.
Remember the way you get over your dog’s death is you cry and mourn for a long while and then you go and adopt a new dog. This is generally the way most people get over their ex-girlferiends.
As mentioned before, you don’t have to start dating right away, in fact, I would recommend finding yourself again, enjoy life in general, better yourself through looking after your diet and exercise, making more money and even buying something awesome to make yourself happier.
5) Do not watch somber movies or listen to sad lost love songs about break ups.
The tone of the movie or a song will affect you either positively or negatively.
You should indulge in media that is uplifting, positive and motivates you for the future.
Watch and listen to something that will motivate you to succeed, be it financially, mentally or physically. Hit the gym or do some push ups, clean up your house and rearrange the furniture, keep doing it. It will make you feel better for the long run.
6) The important thing here is that YOU DODGED A BULLET by having this break up.
Its best that it’s over with now instead of in the distant future when much more could be at stake i.e. children, divorce, child support and alimony and etc.
A little heartache and pain now is a lot better than dealing with a bitter ex-wife in the future.
7) Realize that you will just be sad and by yourself for a little while and then it will get better and easier.
You are not a rock and you wouldn’t be a human being if you had no emotions.
So if you want to drown your sorrows and have a bit of a cry right now, that is fine, give it a few days but then you must pick yourself up and move on. Just don’t get bogged down in feeling sorry for yourself.
8) The thing is you can learn from your mistakes and be a better companion for your future girls. That doesn’t mean you should buy their affection with money or gifts.
If you want to remain irresistible to her, you simply can’t be too available.
That doesn’t mean you should act rude, but it does mean you cannot be too sweet and nice or too eager to please.
Never flash all your cards and always let your ex-girlfriend wonder about you. When you maintain that feeling of being aloof, she will be drawn to you and this is what keeps the spark alive for many years or even decades to come.
9) When it comes to dating advice from women, DON’T EVER TAKE ADVICE FROM WOMEN on how to date women.
They will lie to you without even realizing and tell you to be nice and just be yourself and buy gifts and flowers, while at the same time thinking that they despise men who do such things.
Also be careful taking advice from other dating coaches who are often just concentrating on approaching women but never get into any relationships themselves because many fail to seduce women.
Look to your friends who have pretty girlfriends or wives who they have been together for many, many years, ask them how they do it.
10) Lastly, you need to understand that a lot of women will never be happy with any boyfriend or husband for as long as they live no matter how attractive, successful or amazing he is.
The sad fact is that feminism has ruined the modern woman and she has been spoiled completely by unrealistic romance movies and novels her entire life and she believes in them as much as she believes in true love and Twilight series.
She believes she deserves everything she sees on TV. She will always think that her perfect man, and white knight in shining armor is around the corner.
The sad reality is that there is absolutely nothing a man can do that will please such women forever.
These women will die alone and will never understand where they went wrong. If you are dating such women right now and have future plans for them, break up with them yourself right now.
You will only hurt yourself if you stay in such relationships.
The truth of the matter is that getting over a breakup is easy when you think about it in a logical way and avoid being all emotional about it.
While it does initially hurt, there is light at the end of the tunnel, whereas if you stayed on board with this woman your world would eventually become darkness.
She has made it easy for you to walk away by breaking it off with you.
Thank her for it and find yourself a better option. There are millions to choose from.
You can also remain single while working on yourself and creating a better lifestyle without a woman holding you down.
The choice is yours.
Your friend,
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My last break up was the worst man. She took half of my stuff and then claimed I stalked her when I tried to get my laptop and jewelry back. She also broke my heart at the time as I was a complete simp.
Not anymore!!
Be careful out there boys.
You will come out stronger than ever, don’t let your mind play these tricks
Alex, thanks for laying it down like this. I kept stopping to think, this guy brought up so many good points in the article.
Thanks Jimmy!