1) Women Love Tall Men – Women want to look up to a man, literally and metaphorically.
2) Women Love Rich Men – Men who are rich, attract women. The more money you have, the more female interest you will generate. No money? No honey!
3) Women Love Men Who Look Good – You can be naturally good looking or you can be looking good. Being a naturally good looking guy requires some good genes from your parents. So if you are average looking, make sure to dress really well, stand out from the crowd and drive the best car that suits your budget.
4) Women Love Guys With Big Muscles – For those of you who know the story of Aziz Sherversian AKA Zyzz, he only became popular with women after he jacked up. You can see how easily women were impressed by Zyzz when he was posing with shredded muscles on Chat Roulette. Good physiques attract women.
5) Women Love Confident Men – Confidence proves that you have experience and goods to back up your strong character. Men who are full of themselves might turn away a few women here and there due to arrogance, but a lot of women are drawn to confident men who are up themselves. If you are also filthy rich and up yourself, then women will love you even more.
6) Women Despise Men Who Supplicate – Treat women like your little bratty sister and never suck up to them. Men who let women get away with anything and put them on pedestal no matter what, go home masturbating to pornography. No woman can respect a man who tries to win her affection when she is putting him down.
7) Women Love Funny Men Not Clowns – Women love being teased, but they do not love it when you make fun of yourself by putting yourself down. Remember, women want to look up to you, not think of you as a low life.
8) Women Hate Neediness – Needy people are annoying, they are begging for attention and only get some because some people feel an obligation. Needy weak men do not attract women.
9) Women Don’t Feel Attracted to Nice Guys – Women feel more attraction for a jerk or an asshole more so than they feel any for a nice guy or a great guy. How many times have you been told that you are a nice or a great guy, but this just isn’t going to work. And in reality, a nice guy or a great guy only gets that label because he puts women’s interests ahead of his own. Deep down he secretly wants to be accepted and liked, even if he gets zero respect or supplicates in the process.
10) Women Love Men Who Are Busy – Women have a thing for men who are genuinely buried in their own work or hobbies. They may complain about their boyfriend or husband who works 12 hours a day but deep down they enjoy it. This is because on a deeper level, she knows that to capture her man’s heart, she needs to try harder, and women just can’t resist a challenge. Be hard to get and attract women.
11) Women Love Men Who Are Distant – If you are sitting by the phone and waiting for her phone call or messages, then this screams of desperation. As mentioned before, women feel attracted to men who are genuinely busy with their own life and busy schedule. If she texts you, there is no need to reply immediately, take your time, make her wait, always put her second or third after your family and friends.
12) Women Love Men Who Are Stylish – Clothes do make the men, so dress up and make women come and approach you by giving you a compliment, whether it’s regarding your new scarf or jacket or cologne you’re wearing. Attract women with style.
13) Women Love Men Who Lead – When you are out for dinner and the waiter asks you where you would like to sit with your woman, choose a place and sit down, never ever ask your girl where she wants to sit. Women hate that!
14) Women Love Aggressive Men – If you are a shy, timid guy in a bedroom, then chances are you are still single. You need to be more like Dr Jackal and Mr Hide. Be a gentleman in public, and a ruthless caveman in bed. The same applies to women. She should be gentle and polite in public, but a complete whore in bed. Aggressive men attract women deep down.
15) Think Twice About Running a PUA Game – Many of the PUAs (pickup artists) rely on canned routines and fake stories to pick up women, they use widely popular openers that have been abused and overused since the late 1990s.
16) Women’s Dating Advice Sucks – Women flat out lie to you by saying to win over a woman you need to be nice, buy her flowers, gifts and drinks. What they don’t tell you is that this rubbish only works on your grandmother and even then the best you will get is a kiss on a cheek. Women also tend to lie to their girlfriends. If her friend gets a hideous haircut and asks her if it looks nice, 9 times out of ten, she will say “you look gorgeous”, even if she looks like an ugly lady boy.
17) Stop Jerking Off to Internet Porn – This will greatly improve your confidence, boost your energy levels and raise your motivation. Addiction to internet porn is a sure way to end up with erectile dysfunction. The sooner you quit, the sooner you will recover. Porn is poison.
18) Be Social And Say “Hi” – Here is a secret pick up formula. Picking up women is just a numbers game. The more you approach, the better are your odds. If you see a cute girl on the street, and she gives you some eye contact, go ahead and say “hi”. “Hello” is formal, “hi” is much better. If you are scared of approaching, make a deal with yourself to say hi to 5 girls one day, 6 girls the next day, 7 girls the next and so on. Soon after approaching pretty women will not be a problem. Socially savvy men attract women.
In order to be liked by attractive women for the rest of your life you need to concentrate on making money and becoming wealthy. You need to concentrate on your physique and being healthy. You need to look good and be aesthetically pleasing.
Take care of yourself, brush your teeth, shower and shave, smell good and clean. Use sodium bicarbonate paste mixed with a little water for the most effective and cheapest deodorant.
You need to be the man who loves his own life and has purpose, don’t be a wimp by doing everything she wants like watching chick flicks on weeknights. You need to be a masculine man, forget about getting in touch with your feminine side, you are not a woman.
If you chase her and kiss the ground she walks on, she will not respect you. If you don’t kiss the ground she walks on, she WILL respect you more. And deep down she will be happy!
Also strongly consider ditching Western women by going overseas to Eastern Europe and South East Asia.
Your friend,
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Great advice and spot on man. My ex girlfriend was a total bitch. Glad she left me when we had no kids.
Sucks to any other guy who meets her and falls for her lies.
Thanks buddy.
Just have confidence and you’ll be gold.
Confidence is key in all areas of life.