The western world has become PLAGUED WITH OBESITY which is a crippling condition afflicting millions of people.
The powers that be and the food industry itself carry a large degree of guilt and contribute to the OBESITY EPIDEMIC.
What most don’t realize is that there are more people profiting from the obesity epidemic than we are told.
For someone who is overweight and wanting to lose a large amount of fat and keeping the weight off is made even harder by the following two factors:
The usual approach by the medical establishment to treat obesity relies on pharmaceutical drugs and surgery. These DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS and come with many side effects, some of which can be lethal.
The second alternative is a gastric surgery that removes a part of the stomach as well as liposuction. Both of these procedures are highly invasive and only treat the symptoms of the underlying problem. I mean, removing a large portion of the stomach can have serious side effects on that patient for the rest of their life.
And to be completely honest, NONE OF THESE METHODS (drugs or surgery) HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL in curing let alone treating obesity.
If you live in Australia, this country is now one of the fattest nations in the world. 60% of Australians are overweight or obese, and by 2025 that figure will rise to 80%. The same dire statistics are in the United States and United Kingdom.
The toxic pharmaceutical drugs and the horrific surgeries that doctors promote are not helping to ease the burden of obesity.
Also, the biggest proportion of overweight people lies among the poorest, so even if by some miracle the weight loss drugs and surgeries worked, these people would simply not have the money or resources to afford them.
To treat obesity in the United States is estimated at $170 BILLION PER YEAR, and when you also calculate and add the costs of ‘treating’ obesity-related health conditions that include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and many types of cancer, which kill more people annually than anything else, the total costs easily rise up to half a trillion dollars annually.
As you can see, the obesity epidemic creates A LOT OF MONEY for doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the food industry.
There are also hundreds of dieting and supplement companies that are only happy to sell their programs, meal plans and weight loss supplements.
What if there was a NATURAL PLANT which is essentially a food that’s been consumed for over 7000 YEARS that has helped people not only stay healthy but trim and slim and full of energy? This plant is called “Coca” or to be precise, Erythroxylum coca var. coca.
Coca tea has been used by the people of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador for its appetite suppression, weight loss and energy benefits. They would chew Coca tea leaf with an alkaline substance for energy in order to WORK ALL DAY LONG without eating or resting.
And let’s get something straight here regarding the coca tea.
Coca Leaf tea is vastly different to cocaine.
Coca leaf to cocaine is like a TREE to PAPER. You can’t get high on Coca Leaf tea. That is an irrefutable fact.
Cocaine is derived from only one of the 14 ALKALOIDS AVAILABLE in the coca tea leaf, and this alkaloid makes up only a small portion of the healing aspects of the coca plant.
Even though cocaine has gotten a bad reputation over the last 100 years, nobody seems to want to explore the magical healing benefits of all the other 13 alkaloids present in coca leaf (apart from people in Peru and Bolivia).
Maybe it’s because the large pharmaceutical companies know that if people across the world had access to coca tea leaf, then people’s health would improve dramatically and the obesity epidemic would vanish into thin air, literally.
Coca tea had a fully documented history of medical uses as a GENUINE HERBAL MEDICINE over the last century.
Hardly any people today know about the medical efficacy of Coca tea in PREVENTING AND HEALING not only obesity but many other serious health conditions and illnesses. As early back as the 17th century through the early 20th century preparations, infusions and medical tinctures of whole Coca leaf tea were used as a miracle cure for many ailments, and they indeed WORKED.
Coca tea was so popular back then and was used by many famous people from the Pope and the Queen of England to the labour intensive farmers and construction workers. Coca tea was used to stop tiredness, stop hunger, boost long-lasting energy and increase longevity and general well-being.
The Real Cause of Obesity Epidemic
The real cause of the modern obesity epidemic is directly linked to a diet of highly processed industrial food that causes chronic inflammation in the body.
I will discuss the two crucial things about the link between obesity and chronic inflammation, and how Coca leaf tea can be of great help to BURN FAT and heal the body.
Firstly, Coca Leaf tea is naturally a potent anti-inflammatory agent, which means that anyone who is suffering from obesity related symptoms and chronic inflammation as a root cause rather than just diet or eating too much would benefit in many ways.
Their general well-being improves within days and their WEIGHT STARTS TO SIMPLY MELT AWAY, in a safe manner off course.
Secondly, Coca Leaf tea stops hunger pains and suppresses the appetite, while at the same time providing steady physical and mental energy.
This makes Coca tea an exceptional weight-loss food and fat burner because a person who chooses to add dieting to the total weight-loss program will not experience deprivation from lack of food or horrible starvation signs that all regular diets come with.
At the same time coca tea will not drain the patient mentally as it actually boosts cognitive function of the brain by gentle stimulation of the nerves and senses.
And most importantly, Coca tea does not cause heart attacks, strokes, depression and suicide unlike many pharmaceutical drugs on the market for weight-loss.
By switching your diet from highly processed industrial garbage to whole foods while at the same time consuming coca tea, you will GIVE YOURSELF A REAL CHANCE TO BEAT OBESITY and burn fat once and for all.
To learn how you can get your hands on the finest Organic Coca Leaf Tea delivered within 1 week directly to you, please visit Coca Tea Express store.
Your friend,
I need to shed a few pounds.
Get shredded, burn fat.
I’ve done a form of intermittent fasting of drinking coffee (black) throughout the morning to keep the metabolism going and having my first meal late morning/in the afternoon. (Not as strict on going with a 15 hour fasting window as guys like kinobody push.) Obviously balanced the nutrition out with higher protein and have essentially eliminated carbs late evening (would keep the body from burning fat overnight) and overall trying to skimp any simple sugars throughout the day.
After getting in form, initially did lose nearly 8 pounds in two and a half weeks. (Heading into Christmas Eve. This was weight I was unable to lose the first 11 months of the year no matter how hard I tried.) Christmas week kind of blew it and ate more holiday-related foods, but this morning got myself back down to 7 of those 8 pounds lost.
Any event hope it is a real new year. My game plan was getting started and finding a stride in the middle of the holidays, figuring that’s how real sustainable results would be achieved.
Fasting should be included into everyone’s weekly regime, it’s your own body eating dead and damaged cells, like doing house cleaning.
I don’t drink coffee, unless it’s in an enema form, now that really works to rapidly detox the body… try it after drinking alcohol, nothing works better or faster.
Can you ship to US?
Yes, we ship coca tea to US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I’m going to get some coca tea. Need to get into shape for summer. Thanks man.
I like the buzz coca tea gives me when I chew the leaf powder with bi carb. My entire mouth is numb, feels good bud. Nice and clean energy too. I lost 5 KGs since I started using it 3 weeks ago.
Best of health to you Nicko!
I been chewing coca tea for a week now, about 20 grams a day with bi carb and I can easily do 1 meal a day, I am getting shredded and my muscle fullness has increased. Fat which I could never shed is coming right off. Is it good for your teeth? They seem to be whiter after I brush them before bed.
Hi Jack,
That’s awesome, coca tea kills my appetite and burns fat while boosting my energy. I’ve been consuming it for over 3 years with nothing but health and benefits.
To your good health.
Coca makes me horny, sex on it is great as I last longer too. My chick likes to chew it with me.
Coca is a natural aphrodisiac, it makes me horny as a beast. This can be good when you are in monk mode and control sexual urges, and bad if you are obsessed with sex because you will want it all the time.
I would like un crunched coca leave .
Can you help
Hi there,
We currently only sell coca tea powder, not whole leaves. To get whole leaves you need to go to Peru or Bolivia as they do not export it.
Boston company does, but I don’t care for their customer service. I also don’t trust them. Lie about a few little things (like charging for Priority shipping, but you can plainly see USPS shipped it First Class) and you don’t know what else is bad.
Yo Alex, wasn’t there a coupon code or was I wrong? I’m about to get some
Hi Henry,
Yes, COCA10.
Let’s separate facts from fiction! I have been seeping coca leaf powder in hot water with some baking soda. I also tried holding the powder in my mouth with soda – same effects. It makes my mouth numb – more when holding it in my mouth. It doesn’t make me high or horny at all so that explains why it is not addictive. It gives me endurance and strength but no energy rush at the gym. The most important effect is that it quite effectively eliminates hunger so I can do a single meal per day and lose weight.
Hi Sammmy,
Have you tried chewing big mouthfuls of coca tea powder every 20-30 minutes for about 1-2 hours straight? That will give you a rush, energy buzz and will get you pretty wired.