What most people don’t realize is that television is a blue pill box of DEEP MIND CONTROL and SOCIAL CONDITIONING. Since I stopped watching TV back in 2010, I have worked out that there is a direct correlation between how much a person is a “TV watching couch potato” and how boring, mundane and out Read More
Energize And Boost Your Life With Coca Leaves (Erythroxylum coca)
Coca leaves is a plant that grows naturally in north-western South America (Peru and Bolivia), and has for several centuries played a significant role in traditional Andean culture and medicine. There are two species of coca plant, Erythroxylum coca, and E. novogranatense, each has two varieties. The coca plant, which looks like a blackthorn bush, is well Read More
How to Get Over Your Ex-Girlfriend
The initial time after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend can be a hard time filled with UNCERTAINTY, FEAR, REGRET and AGONY. You will learn how to deal and move on as quickly as possible. I will specifically talk about a break up between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I will not discuss divorces or children Read More
Productivity Boosting Drugs, Tricks and Hacks
Everyone wants to be productive, or to be even MORE PRODUCTIVE. Productivity is what gets shit done! But in today’s modern world where we are crammed with daily distractions and data overload, how do you focus your mind and GET THINGS DONE? More importantly, how do you get things done in a TIMELY and EFFICIENT Read More
Spartan Living – More For Less
Spartan living, living frugal, saving money, eating real food and keeping fit is the easiest way to live. A minimalist lifestyle will save you money, it’ll save you stress and it’ll allow you to be free in more ways than one. In the western world, whether you are living in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Read More