There are lots of illegal and legally available stimulants around. Many people perceive meth, cocaine and amphetamines as the STRONGEST stimulants available, they are ILLEGAL, HABIT FORMING and can be VERY DANGEROUS. Caffeine, in contrast, is perceived as the soft and cuddly stimulant. It’s legal across the world, has relatively mild effects and in Read More
How Cannabis Oil Can Cure Cancer
Cancer is a very CONTROVERSIAL topic for most people who watch too much television and get their health information from their doctor. Nevertheless, YOU’VE BEEN LIED TO! We need to first look at what keeps CANCER CELLS ALIVE in the body, after we will come back and I will explain how the cannabinoids CBD (cannabidiol) Read More
How NOT To Become Broke in Thailand
Thailand is one of the BEST countries for tourism, expats, retirees and those who want to be their own boss. Thailand is a digital hub for many travelers and foreigners. There is a wide variety of expats from United States, Europe, United Kingdom and Australia that live and work here. If you are over Read More
I went into MONK MODE for one simple reason, I had ENOUGH of being broke. So what is exactly a MONK MODE? Monk mode is putting everything useless on hold while using a total SELF-IMPROVEMENT framework for improving yourself, your worth, and taking control of all your passions, vices and desires, once and for all. Read More
How To Live As A Free Man
The way I look at it, FREEDOM is the most important thing for a free man. Now, more than ever, piece by piece, we are losing our freedom. Most men (if I can call them that) are not even worried and don’t care, as long as they have access to pornography, video games, and fast Read More