Pornography is a drug. I want to show you in 5 ways how porn DESTROYS your MIND.
With the rise of the internet, there has been many great achievements. We can communicate across the world in real time, research anything we desire, make money online and get access to BRAIN-ROTTING entertainment 24/7.
Internet itself has become a drug for hundreds of millions of young and adult, especially pornography. Internet porn has become by far the most common form of online degeneration for men of all ages.
Porn websites dominate the world wide web and have become the most common websites online. Porn sites attract much more visitors and clients every month than Amazon, Netflix and Twitter put together.
These statistics should worry most of you out there.
They WANT You On Porn
Ever wonder why porn is free?
Because your puppet masters WANT YOU TO BE ADDICTED to watching this DEGENERATE content that is pornography.
Porn DESTROYS your mind, slowly but surely.
Porn and masturbation drain men of their most vital energy source, passion for life and drive, their semen. Every time a man masturbates to pornography, he slowly loses a piece of himself and his vital fluids. His goals and dreams are FLUSHED in a tissue down the toilet.
Look up what sperm is made out of and you will realize what you are wasting away.
Pornography was weaponized by Israeli troops against the Palestinian men.
Most men (and many women) are ADDICTED to watching pornography and don’t even think that they are addicted.
The real issue is HIGH SPEED INTERNET that let’s you watch ENDLESS porn films in HD QUALITY. You can virtually have 30 tabs open at any time with a different porno in every one. Your dopamine levels go through the roof watching this degenerate garbage and you don’t even know it. Some men stay glued to their seats watching porn for hours every day.
In the next 5 bullet points, I am going to highlight 5 ways porn destroys your mind, body and soul.
1. Porn Promotes Instant Self-Gratification
FACT: When you delay gratification in order to achieve something of greater value in the long run, you learn how to maintain self-control and direction in your life. Most highly successful people have learned the art of self-discipline by delaying self-gratification.
When a person gives into the urge to watch porn, they show a lack of discipline and mimic the actions of a DRUG ADDICT who needs his fix. You teach your brain to focus only on instant rewards and self-pleasure, which sets you up for failure in personal and professional life.
Chronic masturbation promotes social degenerates. These people are shy, socially inept and usually FAIL AT LIFE ITSELF.
FIX IT: When you learn how to delay the “quick fix” and self-gratification, you prepare yourself for the real world and REAL SUCCESS in life. There is a reason why drug addicts, smokers and alcoholics are looked down upon by the most productive members of our society. A drug addict has no self control, just like a porn addict. The difference is that drug addicts are far and few, whereas porn addicts make up the majority of our population.
Knowing and realizing that you have much more SELF-CONTROL over your primal sexual desires than an average Joe Blow (pun intended), makes you the MASTER of your world.
2. Porn Sabotages Your Success
FACT: One of the ways porn sabotages your success in life is it programs men to have very LOW STANDARDS when it comes to sex and relationships.
Porn often stops men from having sex, full stop. This leads to alienation from society and interactions. In others, porn encourages them to seek out sexual encounters and establish degenerate relationships with REPULSIVE women who are willing to sleep around. Sleeping around for men and women shows a COMPLETE LACK of self-discipline and stops pair bonding with like-minded individuals.
Sex is a small part of life, porn addicts make sex and masturbation become a SIGNIFICANT part of their daily ritual.
They spend HOURS every week, tending to their downward spiraling addiction. Never be a slave to your sexual urge, master, harness and control it.
Porn destroys your mind by turning you into a SEX CRAZED SLAVE.
The more porn a person watches, the more warped and twisted their imagination and expectation of sex become. If one starts their habit by watching naked young women, within a few months, he may only be able to “get off” to watching old, unsightly, mature women or worse.
FIX IT: Instead of watching porn, go for a walk, hit the gym, or clean your house.
3. Porn Causes a Limp Member
FACT: When you watch porn, your brain starts to only get aroused when you feed it HARDCORE SEXUAL GARBAGE.
When these men find themselves naked in bed with a woman, they often go limp and stay limp. They literally NEED hardcore porn to get hard.
Want erectile dysfunction? Watch porn, lots of it!
Some men even resort to popping Viagra and Cialis just to get hard.
Porn destroys your mind and kills erections.
FIX IT: If you want a ROCK HARD ERECTION, quit watching porn and stop masturbating.
4. Porn Creates Creepy & Desperate Men
FACT: Men watch porn alone, in the privacy and isolation of their home. Everyone knows that watching porn is nothing to be proud of, the mere act of self pleasure is called “wanking”. Wanker is an English term for a LOSER. Men who watch excess porn are SOCIALLY INEPT and AWKWARD in public places, they have no confidence.
This leads to more self-hating, feeling useless and solitude.
Choosing to be alone to get work done is completely different than being a LONER. Porn destroys your mind while suffocating your relationships.
FIX IT: Porn can completely isolate men not only from women but from their family and friends. By quitting pornography, you will regain your CONFIDENCE, TIME and ENERGY back.
People will find you more social and more positive to be around.
5. Porn Kills Your Goals & Dreams
FACT: Most porn addicts I know and guys who enjoy porn on a regular basis struggle with achieving their life goals.
Porn ruins their RELATIONSHIPS and FRIENDSHIPS with people.
Watching porn constantly AFFECTS POORLY their work ethic and the ability to make good income.
This is all done by design.
Porn destroys your mind, and the elites want it that way.
These people are so focused on having everything done today and yesterday, that they lack any self-sacrifice. They have a hard time accepting the concept of an opportunity cost. In order to have SOMETHING OF VALUE TOMORROW, they MUST GIVE UP some of their time, money and energy to build it today.
Porn addicts can’t refuse their self-defeating sexual urges.
I Was Addicted To Porn
I used to be addicted to pornography myself.
Whenever I was writing and working on my laptop and hit a stumbling block, my brain would crave an instant release of dopamine through porn and masturbation.
Once I relieved myself, I had NO DESIRE or ENERGY to work further.
By consuming large amounts of porn, you flood your brain with excess dopamine. It’s a neurotransmitter that makes us feel great.
Cocaine and many other drugs, HIJACK the brain by providing boosts of dopamine hits. Dopamine is responsible for REWARD behavior in our brain.
Dopamine Addiction
Having sex, masturbation, eating junk food, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, getting thousands of likes and views on YouTube all trigger the release of dopamine.
When you watch porn, you flood your brain with dopamine. The more you watch it, the more dopamine you need to “get off”. Remember when you first saw a porno?
A mere photo of a naked woman when you were 15 years old triggered an erection.
Now, after watching thousands of porno films, you need a lot more HARDCORE PORN to even get remotely aroused.
It Gets Worse
By screwing up your reward brain circuitry, you are SABOTAGING all the important achievements that can make you more valuable as a person.
Porn ZAPS your desire TO ACHIEVE, BE CREATIVE, and KILLS YOUR DRIVE to build a successful business! You can forget about having a quality relationship with people when you watch porn. Porn destroys your mind, it stops you from succeeding and ultimately turns you into a complacent degenerate who associates wanking with daily pleasure.
Why put in the long hours of WORK, DEDICATION and PASSION into your own business to make “F&%K YOU” MONEY so you can kick your boss to the curb, when you can jerk off to porn and wipe yourself with a tea towel… right? *SMH*
FIX IT: The easiest way to kick porn and masturbation for good is to stop watching it and stop touching yourself down there, period.
Leave It Alone
When you feel an urge to play with yourself, go for a walk, do 20 push-ups, call your friend or have a shower. The less you pay attention to porn and your sexual urges, the easier it gets to kick this nasty habit once and for all.
And DO NOT WORRY if you relapse 1, 3, or 5 months down the track. Tomorrow is a brand new day and you can start again.
Look up NoFap on the Internet.
There is a huge community dedicated to beating porn addiction.
To your health and success,
If you enjoyed this article, you can support my work via a small donation:
Porn is free and plentiful for men to drain their semen. Empty balls = no desire to fight or stand up for yourself. Porn kills your will to rise above all others.
Porn used to feel good until I realized what it was doing to my life and when I found out who created the porn industry, I went cold turkey. The nose behind the veil… (((((((())))))))
Home hitting article mate. Thanks.
Porn is a horrible addiction. Get off it boys, you’ll thank me later.
Look up who created porn … there is your answer.
Wow, great article. I’ve been struggling with this addiction since I was 13. I’m 19 now and this addiction has become so severe that it is destroying my life. I’ve lost desire to study, socialize and also I don’t have any desire to get a girlfriend. I’ve wasted so many opportunities. This porn and masturbation shit has ruined me so much and even after all these destructions, I still allow it in my life then I’m a very ignorant person. I am quitting this shit. I don’t wanna live with this demon anymore.
Thanks Ayush, hope you stopped with porn.
Kind regards,
im only 26 and porn has nearly killed me i did not wanna see the sighs or the truth my eyes and brain have problems focusing now and i can bearly think at all anymore is it worth it ppl we have our demons but the real problem starts with us do we wanna be brain dead im 26 and was on this for 16 years now and the fun had its cost on me i would jerk off none stop and would bearly take breaks and now i seen what the otherside is like now ppl may think its fun but if you think youll be fine think again i regret doing the habbit everyday of my life crazy part was i never knew it was the habbit or not so i would keep doing it worse mistake ever
Porn is poison my friend.
Kind regards,